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Webhook allows you to integrate and receive information between two systems, such as integrations with platforms outside leadlovers like Stract.
Nº1- In your leadlovers account, click on Tools > Webhooks
Nº2- On the side of the page, click on the red “+” button to create a new Webhook
Nº3- Include a name of your choice to differentiate it later.
4- In this field, you’ll choose the action you want to take with your Webhook: Insert new leads, Apply tag or Remove tag. In this example, I’m using the “Insert new leads” option .
Nº5- In this field, you will select the machine that the lead will enter. Nº6- In this field, you will select the Funnel that the lead will enter. Nº7- In this field, you will select the Email/Sequence that the lead will enter. Nº8- This field is Optional, you can choose which TAG to apply to the lead. After selecting the fields, click on Generate Webhook Link.
In URL Address: this is the Token URL. In Additional Information: this is the Integration Method (Via Post) and the Machine/Funnel/Sequence/Tags data. Under Authorization Key: does not need to be filled in.
If any questions or situations arise, or if you need any help during this procedure, please contact our support.
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